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Saving on Food: Is It Worth Risking Your Health?


In this article today, we would like to address a topic that is often consciously or unconsciously overlooked by people, namely the nutritional values and whether the food products we consume are harmful to us. Often in the face of a tight budget, we think that saving money and healthy eating don't go hand in hand, but that's not the case at all! We can take care of our family's health and our wallet at the same time. One without the other makes no sense. By blindly saving money without considering the impact of food on health, we may only lead to worse health outcomes and, consequently, higher healthcare expenses in the future. Remember, prevention is much cheaper than treating diseases. When creating a shopping basket, it's worth paying attention not only to the price but also to what each product contains. What is the composition, nutritional value, and calorie content? Here are a few tips to consider:

1. Sodium and Salt Content

Sodium, often found in salt, is something we need in small amounts for our bodies to function properly. But too much of it can cause problems, like high blood pressure and heart disease. Many processed foods are packed with sodium, even if they don't taste salty. That's why it's important to check food labels and choose lower-sodium options when possible. Reducing our sodium intake can help lower our blood pressure and reduce our risk of heart disease and stroke. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming no more than 5 grams of salt per day, which is about a teaspoon. But don't worry, you don't have to sacrifice flavour to reduce your salt intake! There are plenty of herbs, spices, and other flavourings that can add delicious taste to your meals without adding extra salt. So, get creative in the kitchen and experiment with new flavours. Your taste buds and your heart will thank you!

2. Fiber

Fiber is like the superhero of our diet. It's found in foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and it does a lot of good things for our bodies. First off, fiber helps keep our digestive system happy and running smoothly. It adds bulk to our stool, making it easier to go to the bathroom and preventing constipation. Fiber also helps control our blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of sugar into our bloodstream. This can help prevent spikes and crashes in energy levels throughout the day. Fiber can also help lower our cholesterol levels, reducing our risk of heart disease. It does this by binding to cholesterol in the digestive tract and carrying it out of our bodies before it can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Plus, fiber makes us feel full and satisfied after eating, which can help with weight management by reducing overall calorie intake. So, make sure to include plenty of fiber-rich foods in your diet, like whole grain bread and pasta, brown rice, oats, fruits, and vegetables. Your body will thank you for it!

3. Fat Content

Fat is important for our bodies, but not all fats are good for us. There are different types of fats: saturated fats, which are not very good for our hearts and can be found in things like butter and fatty meats; unsaturated fats, which are better for us and can be found in things like nuts, seeds, and fish; and trans fats, which are the worst and can be found in things like margarine and fried foods. It's best to try to eat more of the good fats and less of the bad ones. Some fats, like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, are really good for us, especially for our hearts and brains. We can get these from foods like fish, nuts, and seeds. It's important to try to eat a good balance of these fats. It is important to remember about the balance of omega 3 and omega 6. The ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 should be 5:1 in our diet. Omega 6 should be present in our diet in small amounts, but it is often consumed mainly in the form of vegetable oils and we forget about the valuable omega 3 which is found in fish or linseed. Too much omega 6 leads to inflammation in our body. Cholesterol is another thing in fats. It's not all bad – our bodies need some cholesterol to work properly. But too much of it can be bad for our hearts. We can find cholesterol in things like eggs and meat. It's okay to eat these foods sometimes, but it's best to not eat too much of them. In short, fats are important, but we should try to eat the good ones and not too much of the bad ones. That way, we can keep our hearts and bodies healthy.

Remember that by choosing healthier food options, we not only take care of our health but also save on future healthcare costs. Therefore, it's worth investing in our health through conscious nutritional choices starting today.


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