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What is a good price? How can you fight marketing tricks?


Yesterday, I did my shopping at Kaufland using Promoscore to find the best deals on my favorite products, and a promotion for Napolact Butter caught my eye: -45% compared to last year at the same date!


Having a price history over several years to calculate Promoscore, I was able to check the prices at Kaufland for the last five years and discovered that they choose the highest price ever to "compare" with today's... here's how it would look if we took another reference year from the past:


Less appealing? 😂

You don't believe it? Here are the original leaflets from Kaufland:


To know if the price is good, you need to compare it with all of today's prices. For example, this week the best price can be found at Profi 👏


If you want to fight inflation and save money on every shopping basket, don't fall in cognitive biaises and marketing tricks. Use a shopping assistant like Promoscore to find the best deals on your favorite products.


You can find the best deals on Promoscore, and make comparisons. Additionally, you can also check the quarterly aggregated price history of an item going back to 2019!